You can help protect whales, dolphins, turtles - and our climate - from Australia's dirtiest offshore gas drilling project.
Hidden off the coast of Western Australia, fossil fuel giant Woodside wants to develop the Burrup Hub, a massive gas nightmare that will endanger reef systems and wreck our climate.
We have the tools to stop Woodside. With your power behind us, we will. Sign the petition now.
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Petition | Stop Woodside
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Woodside’s climate wrecking gas expansion
Threatens marine parks and protected areas
The Burrup Hub – which includes the Scarborough, North West Shelf, and Browse projects – could impact 12 different marine parks, including Ningaloo Reef. It would put marine life at risk and lock Australia into more fossil fuels as the rest of the world shifts to cleaner, cheaper renewable energy.
6.1 billion tonnesOver its lifetime, the Burrup Hub will belch out 13 years of Australia’s emissions |
33 threatened speciesDredging, drilling and seismic testing put vulnerable marine species, like whales and turtles, at risk |
Tell Woodside to walk away from its polluting gas project
The risks are far too great
The toxic gas that Woodside wants to drill is a dangerous fossil fuel driving climate change. Renewable energy is already powering the country, taking the lead over dirty coal and gas. There's just no need for gas.
Gas Leaks
You can help protect our wildlife and ensure a safer climate
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